I the H5 game Youth Three Kigdoms, golde geerals are valuable assets that ca greatly ehace your gameplay experiece. However, there may come a time whe you eed to decompose them to make way for stroger geerals or to obtai valuable resources.
To decompose a golde geeral, simply avigate to the decompose meu i the game iterface. Here, you will see a list of all the geerals you curretly ow, icludig the golde oes. Select the golde geeral you wish to decompose ad cofirm your decisio.
Oce the decompositio process is complete, you will receive various rewards such as gold, silver, experiece poits, ad materials. These rewards ca be used to stregthe your other geerals or to craft powerful equipmet ad items.

Before decomposig a golde geeral, it is importat to cosider your curret roster of geerals ad your overall strategy. Make sure that decomposig the golde geeral will ot leave you at a disadvatage i battles or hider your progress i the game.
By followig these tips, you ca make the most out of your golde geerals i Youth Three Kigdoms ad optimize your gamig experiece.